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Photo du rédacteurVéronique Dussault

The way you love me

Dernière mise à jour : 7 oct. 2021

The way you love me makes me feel like a princess. The way you look at me makes me feel like a beauty. The way you listen to me makes me feel like an important person. The way you talk to me, the way you touch me, the way you kiss me, the way you are you, the way you respect me, the way you need me, the way you believe in me, the way you ask my opinion, the way you share your life with me, the way you laugh with me makes me feel like an artist, the way you dress to please me is so touching, the way you invite me to the restaurant like it’s a very special day, the way you drive me, the way you speak about your passions with me is so important to me, the way you talk about me to your friends makes me feel like a mysterious heroin, the way you make love to me makes me feel in heaven, the way you make my coffee, the way you give it to me, the way you feel with me, the way you cook for me, the way you love me, the way you love me…,the way we argue, the way you always try to give me pleasure, the way I love your lips and your tongue, the way we share, the way we plan some new project, the way we broke up….

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